Tuesday, June 17, 2008


...and she opened the door and ran into the street. She? Yes, she.

I had often seen her fight. She always fought. She always screamed a pitch one or two above others. She always gave back, on the minimum, twice the crap presented to her. In all, she was 'The Fighter'. She had the guns and I admired that. I wanted to be that...

...but she opened the door and ran into the street. She. Did.

That day wasn't normal. She wasn't my Fighter. She ran away. Nothing in the world ever made her run away. Nothing ever bulleted her shield of conviction and revenge. Of doing as she was done by.


It got to her. That feeling so abundant in non-fighters. That feeling of guilt. Of wanting to keep calm. Of wanting to avoid conflict hoping to restore peace. Of fearing the worst of a fight. Of fearing they might do something wrong they would regret forever. Of not wanting to be a party to non-calm. Of thinking that a fight is always avoidable!

Ha! And the fighters take on conflict barechested confident to swim to some bank right or left, victorious or unproductive rather than flowing with the current which only keeps getting stronger, then the first rocks appear, then the waterfall...

...this unplanned waterfall; in the want to avoid the current, a non-fighter closing his eyes to a storm so that it may pass without conflict not only takes away what little chance he has but he is also unplanned when the waterfall comes despite his trying to avoid the non-calm and moreover as he breaks his bones in the fall, the current makes his disabled body subservient forever. For. Ever. After.

I always wanted her to stop when she screamed. It made me crazy when I heard her scream. But now and forevermore I would rather have her scream than run like that day...I had almost lost her that night if she had gone further alone in the dark at such an hour.

For she is the paramount sign of, 'Settle now or forever be wiped. Settle everything now. Now. Now. Not later.'

A conflict must always wield a victory for a party.

Just as an equal defeat awaits the other. But this defeat is better than dying everyday hoping everything is going to be alright tomorrow by one's constant blindness; this fight, like some full scale weapon war leaves dead bodies but once started must be settled, whatever is left at the end must be used as experience and foresight that one must depend on self more than ever now.

It is a chance of becoming a man. Of knowing one's rights and getting them. Of being burdened with responsibility of self dependence. Of constant, hard, labour. But if anything. Of FREEDOM. For. Ever. After.

True: It is easier to be shackled in chains than handling freedom.